Celebrating Children’s Day in an Anganwadi school can be a joyful and memorable experience for both the children and the staff. Here are some ideas for a fun and meaningful celebration: 


Decorate the Anganwadi center with colorful balloons, streamers, and banners to create a festive atmosphere. Use drawings and artwork created by the children to adorn the walls.

Special Assembly:

Start the day with a special assembly where children can gather for songs, dances, and short performances. Teachers or caregivers can prepare a small skit or puppet show to entertain the children.

Games and Activities:

Organize age-appropriate games and activities. Simple games like musical chairs, sack race, and balloon popping can bring a lot of joy. Set up different activity stations such as face painting, coloring, and crafts where children can express their creativity.

Cultural Performances:

Encourage children to showcase their talents through small cultural performances. This could include singing, dancing, or even reciting poems. Invite local performers or artists to engage with the children and share their talents.

Special Snacks:

Prepare or organize special snacks that the children would enjoy. It could be something as simple as cookies, fruit, or small treats. Ensure that the snacks are safe and suitable for the age group.

Gifts and Prizes:

Distribute small gifts or prizes to the children to make them feel special. This could be a simple certificate of appreciation or small toys and stationery items. Consider involving the community or local businesses to sponsor gifts for the children.

Storytelling Session:

Have a storytelling session where teachers or parents read out interesting and interactive stories to the children.

You can also encourage older children to tell their own short stories or share their experiences.

Group Photo Session:

Capture the day’s memories with a group photo session. This can be a wonderful keepsake for both children and their families.

Involvement of Parents:

Invite parents to join in the celebration. They can participate in various activities, contribute to decorations, or even share stories or skills with the children.

Educational Activities:

Incorporate educational elements into the celebration. This could include a short session on the importance of Children’s Day, basic hygiene practices, or a discussion on values like kindness and sharing.

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