Irula’s Tribe Development and Woman Empowering program
The Irulas are widely spread in different states of the south of India, and exists in multiple places. The Irulas of the Tamil Nadu state, living now on the plains near villages, are the one that we help by making them able to know their own rights and to apply them to the government. When they were living in the forests, they used to sell products like honey, with which they made wax, firewood and other forest’s products. In return, they got village products for their use. They obtained their food mainly from the forest and the wild animals living in it.
The main problems of these tribes are:
Life facilities: houses made out of mud; destroyed by the monsoon after 3 months of build; limited access to water, electricity and education.
Jobs: not skilled to do any kind of job; some of them are not paid with money, but only with products Education: girls are not allowed to go to schools; boys do, but they can’t expect the support or of their parents. They are not given the schedule tribe certificate that may help them to study. The consequence is that even if they manage to go through the exams, they don’t get any certificates
Social neglect: there are even lower than the lowest cast, even than the “untouchable“. They are cheated, abused and neglected by people and the government. Irula’s are cut off from the society and don’t even know the benefits that they are eligible to receive as a tribe in India. For the owners, they would be losing extremely cheap ploughmen to use
Lands certificates: they don’t even have a land certificate for the place the stay in
Tribe’s certificates: being extremely shy and scared of outside world, they are unable to draw any benefits that may be forthcoming to them from the government
Psychological conditions: the fear of the outside world makes them to continue their livelihood INDIA GIVES FOUNDATION mission support The Irula’s in variety of everyday-live problems, focusing on 3 main priorities of activity Cast certificates confirming Irula Tribe membership: 3000 certificates given to Irula people Sheme cards: e.g. insurance or health benefits for Irulas Community Development: Being a link between Irula’s and the Government increasing Irula’s awareness of their →rights and their amenities as a tribe; supporting in their documents preparation and applications.
• Periodical camps, retreats, summer schools, sports events for Remedial centres children to inculcate knowledge, motivation, and life skill trainings.
• Periodical Medical camp for children and communities.
• Social work college’s rural camp and Interns intervention.
• Remedial centres
• India Gives Foundation want to support by dry ration kit to all (100) families, 500 Active Horlicks 500gms, 1000 Bata footwear along with school bags
The study focuses on the following areas:
A. Notion on School & Teachers
B. Parent-Teacher Interaction
C. Sports & Extra-curriculum Exposure
D. Hygiene & Sanitation
E. Career Awareness
F. Corporal Punishment
INDIA GIVES FOUNDATION mission leads few social programs supporting different areas of local community’s lives:
* The Irula Tribal Community Development Center
* Balak & Balika (Infant) – children development & education support
* Shiksha Bridhi – higher education Support
* Awareness Camp – women development, awareness increase & legal support to widows; one of the most important aspects of this program is to give women the knowledge of tailoring, we provide machines and teachers so they can learn and practice in our center and then start their own business. For instance, women can make blouses, shirts, skirts, napkins
* Also they can rent one of the sewing machines to teach to others at home. Therefore, the skills are spread among women.
* This is one of the ways the INDIA GIVES FOUNDATION mission chooses to contribute to women empowerment.
* Challenges
* The next step in this program evolution is to provide enough place and material so the women can take care of their children while following the courses. Indeed, the INDIA GIVES FOUNDATION mission thinks it will motivate more women to join the community.
The main purpose of this crowd funding is to support our mission in all this projects about Irula tribe, the development of the association, improving the tuition centre, tailoring centre, awareness camp and buy new machines and materials.

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