Summer Camp for Migrant workers Children in Bangalore (Urban Slum)

Slum children are exposed to various hygiene and weather-related diseases and are forced to live in unhygienic conditions. Education is usually not a primary concern in these areas and parents often make their children work in their childhoods to make up for the financial gaps their families must be facing. The challenges faced by slum children in India include abuse, neglect, exploitation, poor socio-economic conditions, lack of protective environment, and health problems like malnutrition. INDIA GIVES FOUNDATION organized VASANTHAM SUMMER CAMP FOR BANGALORE URBAN SLUMS .The summer camp is for such children. Finding their aptitudes and guiding them to follow their dreams to recreate motivation is the aim of the camp.


The “VASANTHAM SUMMER CAMP “helped the children of 06 to 18 years to find their aptitudes by exposure to different areas of interest. After finding aptitudes children will ben helped to develop their individual interests thus creating motivation to go forward with education. The education in India has gaps especially in aptitude finding. Addressing the issue will help in creating interest in education.


The project will impact children from the slum by inspiring them to think about their future and by creating a dream in every child who participates in the summer camp thus helping them to grow into successful individuals who contribute to society.


During the summer camp of 2024, we spent 15days working for migrant workers community’s children. India Gives Foundation dedicated to bettering the lives of children and women in the slums. As a underprivileged children we, designed our role to meet the needs o the children.

About the Author

India Gives Foundation

India Gives Foundation was founded in the year 2021 by a group of young social workers and dedicated social entrepreneur to fulfill needy people common dreams where every child is take care with love and affection and is given an opportunities for the healthy and bright future where no child is marred by the horrors of child labour and we works to strengthen women by giving them identify as internal workers also we works to save the girl child and build better future for themselves and their families and communities facing behavioral health /mental health challenges as following

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